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       Out of the day of a cat - Calogero

This is winter in the city, no flowers for a long time. And this is one of the short guys who never greets... Hey, how are you ? Well, thats the other short guy who never moves or greets.

Let me sit down here and wait what happens. Maybe a mouse or a bird comes by. Shhhh! something moves, maybe a fat mouse ?

Oh! No mouse... It is too cold, no dining outside, this means no food for a hungry cat. So it is better to return home.

As usual: door closed. Miau! Can someone open the door for me ? Thanks.

Now upstairs and a little more miau... ..and grandma is welcoming me. At least here are some flowers.

Find some food in the kitchen. And now the best part: grandma is looking for a nice TV channel. A TV channel that gets me the ...

... best petting !

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